Announcement: Our free training pilot has launched.
As of April 6, 2000, we have established our beginning framework for on-line training in streamlined printed circuit design.
We hope you will visit the Golden Gate Graphics Streamlined Design training pilot project. It is free to participate. Help us learn what is needed and wanted in the area of training in printed circuit design. We would like to welcome anyone from the field of electronics: PCB designers, electrical engineers, software designers, sales representatives and executives.
Enter our free training section now!
After reviewing the materials you may have good ideas on how you would like to see this project unfold. Please contact our Manager of Training.
We are currently developing our Streamlined_PCB_Design on-line training program for use at three levels: Level III. For experienced PCB Designers. When it is a completed course, it will be a fast ramp-up to Streamlined Design.
Level II. For those experienced in other phases of electronics who want to learn PCB design.
Level I. For those inexperienced in electronics.
We would welcome your suggestions for these different levels of training.
We are writing these courses in the order above from top down: Level III first. Register for the training pilot project and you will receive notification as new additions to it are completed.
Our expansion plans for the immediate future involve this on- line training, and we are hard at work on it. We hope to expand our work force by bringing on as independent contractors some of the PCB designers who have participated in Streamlined Design training pilot.
Through electronic data transmittal via the Internet, we will be able to conduct on-line training as "extension courses." We can qualify the work of an independent designer located far away from our home office.
But the training will not just be for future associates of Golden Gate Graphics. It will most especially be for corporate employees who want to expand their skills, become more valuable to their companies and take the stress out of their jobs. That's what Streamlined Design can do.
We also plan on having articles on various topics concerning printed circuit design by top experts in the field. If you would like to submit an article, or know of a good choice of author for us to contact, please let us know: Contact our Director of Training
A pilot project for Level II will be started after the Level III course is fully piloted and producing good results. The Level II training would include more software-specific tutors.
Level I would be far into the future: it entails training in basic electronics. The crux here is How much basic electronics knowledge is necessary for printed circuit designers? One could say "The more the better," but there is a definite threshold of knowledge needed; we would gratefully receive your input on this philosophical question. If you have information on any free electronics instruction/tutors available on-line, please email us at the link below. The ideal tutor would be something like "A Child's Primer on Electronics." In other words simple, direct and metaphorical.
Golden Gate Graphics resides in Centennial, a suburb of Denver located in the middle, near Littleton, Highlands Ranch and Englewood, of the Rocky Mountain Front-Range High-Tech Corridor , which includes the following Colorado cities from south to north:
Fountain, Colorado Springs, Monument, Palmer Lake, Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, Centennial, Englewood, Littleton, Aurora, Denver, Golden, Boulder, Niwot, Longmont, Loveland, Ft. Collins and Greeley.