• What Customers are Saying About Golden Gate Graphics PCB Design

  • "Thank you so much for all of your help getting us to this next level. What you have taught me has allowed other parts of our product development to also function better."
    ~Wayne, Founder of a Consumer Electronics Company.
  • "Our board for the International Space Station has been in service since 2003 with no hardware failures. In fact, all the designs you did for me were all single-rev."
    ~BSZ, Senior Systems Engineer, RT Logic.
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Services of Golden Gate Graphics

Schematic Capture  

Printed Circuit Artwork (PCB Design / Layout)

Our main service is doing printed circuit layouts for electrical engineers who are developing electronic products targeted for eventual mass production. That is, production in quantities large enough that hand-wiring circuits would be too time consuming.

We especially enhance our customers efforts when we combine that with schematic capture. Here is some recommended reading on that subject:

Golden Gate Graphics is an official Altium Service Bureau
Golden Gate Graphics is an official Altium Service Bureau


Click for Examples of PCBs designed by Golden Gate Graphics
Click image for examples of PCBs designed by Golden Gate Graphics.