Software Compatibility
for PCB Layout and Schematic Capture
Our know-how embraces many software tools for electronics schematics and PCB layout: CAE, CAD and CAM. Our policy has always been to provide you with your copy of the final database (final PCB file), not just Gerber files.
Altium Designer is our PCB Software
- We use Altium Designer 25 and support earlier versions going back to 17 or even earlier. It is far and away our preference at Golden Gate Graphics. (Evolved starting from Tango, Accel EDA, Protel, Protel 99SE and Protel DXP.)
Through our network of colleagues, we have the capability to design PCBs in other brands of software:
- Specctra Autorouter - Expert constraints-based autorouting (evolved from Cooper and Chan)
- Cadence Allegro
- Mentor Graphics Expedition (evolved from Cadnetix, DAZIX, Intergraph, then VeriBest)
- Mentor Graphics PADS PCB (evolved from PADS PCB, PADS Perform, then PADS Power PCB)
You can have your finished printed-circuit-board database in any of the above formats, thus you can maintain and edit future revisions of your PCB in the software you have in-house.
We can also create output of your CAD database in older versions. Contact us with your specific needs.
If you have no particular software preference, we will use Altium Designer 24, a superior tool with great integration between schematic and layout.
Altium Designer is our Schematic Capture Software
- We use Altium Designer 25 and support earlier versions going back to 17 or even earlier. It is the CAE tool we use in-house.
Through our network of colleagues, we have the capability to capture schematics in the following software:
- Altium Designer 25 and support earlier versions going back to 17 or even earlier
- Cadence OrCAD Capture
- Mentor Graphics Expedition
- Mentor Graphics PADS PCB and PADS Logic
Older Databases
If you have old databases
which you need edited, but don't need the resulting database in the same
format, we can import many other database formats into Altium Designer 24, where
we will update the schematics and lay-out the board. We would then provide you
with Gerber and NC Drill files, as well as an Altium Designer 25 and support earlier versions going back to 17 or even earlier database for
archiving (safekeeping). In addition to the software listed at the top of this
page, below is a list of additional formats we might be able to read in or import and design
within Altium Designer 24. (We qualify that because a just-released software version of Orcad
might not have the import capability ready.) :
Importable PCB Design databases:
- Protel 99SE DDB files (*.DDB)
- OrCAD PCB (*.MAX) and PCB libraries (*.LLB)
- PADS ASCII PCB (*.ASC) and PCB libraries (*.D)
- P-CAD PCB (*.PCB) and libraries (*.LIA, *.LIB) (PCAD software is no longer sold)
Note: If you want us to import and fix up your recent-version Orcad design, we will be glad to test the import functionality of that.
Importable Schematic databases:
- CircuitMaker 2000 Schematics and Libraries (program no longer sold)
- DxDesigner Schematics and Libraries
- OrCAD Schematics (*.DSN) and libraries (*.OLB)
- PADS ASCII Logic (*.TXT)
- P-CAD Schematics (*.SCH) (the PCAD programs are no longer sold)
Capabilities in Streamlined PCB Design.
If you need help with electronics project design terminology, please check out
of electronics schematics and printed circuit boards: design and
CONTACT US for more information
Golden Gate Graphics, Aurora, Colorado 80014, USA