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Do you need a PCB design service bureau?

Does your work bench resemble the picture below?

electrical engineer's electronics lab work bench with oscilloscope

You are highly creative. You produce valuable products. You're an electrical engineer and electronic circuit designer.

You deserve a competent printed circuit board design shop.

oscilloscope for comparison to reliability of PCB design services

One as trustworthy as a Tektronix oscilloscope.

Now that's probably a new thought for you.  When you are thinking of a PCB designer and a reliable scope, you might be remembering that that scope came in handy while you were debugging some designer's botched-up artwork.  You provided a schematic and netlist, he laid out the board, the board was built and it didn't match the schematic. So you had to reverse-engineer your own circuit to find out what the printed circuit designer did.

That was not a trustworthy PCB designer.

Now let's roll back the clock. Imagine that you had used a shop whose designers had followed a standard policy which eliminates at least 90% of artwork mistakes by its simple application alone.  And as for the other 10%, suppose also that those designers had been trained in and had used good design practices which practically close the door on any possibility of botched-up artwork.  Well that would be a reliable PCB design service bureau, wouldn't it?  And you could put your trusty oscilloscope to better uses.

Such are the layout designers at Golden Gate Graphics. Give us a look. We'll do our best for you.

Example Printed Boards

Click for Examples of  PCBs designed by Golden Gate Graphics

Golden Gate Graphics in an official Altium Service Bureau

Golden Gate Graphics in an official Altium Service Bureau