• What Customers are Saying About Golden Gate Graphics PCB Design

  • "Your designs are stellar."
    ~M.B., Board House CAM Engineer
  • "That board you designed for us had no layout issues, not really. We've never had a board designed that didn't have layout issues.
    A mistake on a PCB design can cost $50,000."
    ~M.L., Manufacturing Test Manager

Streamlined PCB Design

Streamlined PCB Design = Accuracy + Speed

Streamlined PCB Design = Accuracy + Speed
Even when doing quick turnaround design, accuracy comes first. Any error on a printed circuit board can detract from your product and slow down your production. John Childers, founder of Golden Gate Graphics, has found ways to simplify PCB design procedures and so produce fewer mistakes and faster turnarounds. He discovered techniques for systematically eliminating errors from printed circuit designs.

PCB designers at Golden Gate Graphics have been trained in the policies and procedures John developed. They get your designs right the first time with very rare exceptions. And they produce at faster rates than less accurate PCB designers because those procedures are simplicities, which save time as well as eliminate errors. This is Streamlined PCB Design:   Fast, accurate and reliable production of printed circuit artwork (PCB Design).

If we also help you complete and capture your schematics, so much the better as "Streamlined PCB Design" enters in at an even earlier stage than PCB layout. And all to your benefit.

Next topic:

Next  Knowledge, Teamwork and Manufacturability
Golden Gate Graphics is an official Altium Service Bureau
Golden Gate Graphics is an official Altium Service Bureau


Click for Examples of PCBs designed by Golden Gate Graphics
Click image for examples of PCBs designed by Golden Gate Graphics.